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3 Tips on How to Combat Fatigue Naturally

3 Tips on How to Combat Fatigue Naturally

Are you feeling run down? More than your average mid-afternoon slump? As we know, what we eat affects us physically and emotionally. Our diets play a huge role in how much energy we have, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here are a few tips on how to combat...
Chinese Herbs Commonly Used to Manage Diabetes

Chinese Herbs Commonly Used to Manage Diabetes

About 25.8 million people in the U.S. were affected by diabetes in 2010 according to the CDC. Diabetes is nothing new to TCM and has been treated and managed by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. It was first mentioned in the foundational TCM...
To Egg or Not to Egg?

To Egg or Not to Egg?

It seems like eggs are in the news every other week. Research studies on eggs tend to contradict each other, making it even more confusing to choose. This article looks at eggs from the perspective of Chinese medicine to show a different side of this popular breakfast...

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