773-915-3683 info@palmgrenacu.com
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Are you feeling run down? More than your average mid-afternoon slump? As we know, what we eat affects us physically and emotionally. Our diets play a huge role in how much energy we have, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here are a few tips on how to combat fatigue using Chinese medicine nutritional advice. These tips will have you moving in no time!

1) Eat your drink and drink your food. Chewing thoroughly and slowing down will actually help you digest foods’ nutrients better, leaving you with more energy. Sipping beverages about 30 minutes before and after your meal (not during) allow for your digestive system to focus on one thing. Too much fluids in a short period of time can cause indigestion as your body recovers from the flood in your stomach.

2) Eat your veggies (and cook them, too!) Vegetables are chocked full of vitamins and minerals which are essential to increasing your energy. Cooking them makes it easier for you to digest and leads to increased nutrient absorption. As you’ve probably experienced, eating veggies alone does not stave off hunger for long. Eating them with an entrée or (our favorites) olive oil and lemon juice helps the food stick to your ribs longer.

3) Eat the right combination of foods. When you combine food groups, you of course get more vitamins and nutrients. Did you know that combining certain foods can lead to fatigue? Sad, but true. Combining meat with carbs (from grains) will zap your energy, quicker than you can say Ezekiel Bread. Instead, pair meat with vegetables OR pair vegetables with carbs (from grains). These combinations are much easier to digest and will increase your energy.

We recommend implementing all of these tips for boosting your energy naturally. In no time, your fatigue will be a thing of the past.

Other alternatives for combatting fatigue include acupuncture and therapeutic-grade essential oils and acupuncture. If you’re interested in seeing what essential oils and acupuncture can do for you, please call us at (773) 915-3683 or email us at palmgrenacu@gmail.com.

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