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The common cold and flu have hit households hard this year. Yes, too soon. Whether or not you choose to get the flu shot, we are all susceptible to the ever-mutating virus. Here are a few tips you can do at home to protect yourself:

1. Supplement Vitamin D3 everyday. Deficiency in Vitamin D3 is one of the most common deficiencies in the U.S. Vitamin D3 is a powerhouse supplement that helps boost your immune system to help fight off bacteria or viruses. As an added bonus, it also helps build strong bones. Not sure how much Vitamin D3 to take daily? Ask your health care practitioner for help.

2. Skip dessert. Again, the key is to increase your immunity. Eating sugary foods like cookies, cakes, and pies, immediately suppresses your immune system from operating at its peak. Staving off of sugary treats can be challenging but is worth it for a myriad of health reasons. To satisfy your sweet tooth, reach for blueberries or blackberries, or enjoy a cup of mint tea.

3. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Getting more shut eye allows your body to detoxify and replenish you for the next day. It also can help you fight off common colds and the flu by boosting you immunity.

4. When in doubt, wash your hands. Washing your hands provides a first line of defense against bacteria and germs. It is one of best pieces of advice for protecting yourself.  When you’re not close to a sink, use a hand sanitizer (without triclosan). Here’s a recipe for homemade hand sanitizer, for you DIY types.

5. Get acupuncture. As you know, fall is a transitional month and is a perfect time to come in for a maintenance treatment to prevent you from getting a cold or the flu. It works by increasing your immune system, rebalancing you and reducing stress.

These are only four simple ways you can protect yourself and loved ones from common colds and flus this season. What do you do to prevent getting sick? We’d like to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.

Palmgren Acupuncture Center is an integrative health center that helps you improve your health and feel better. We offer acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and massage. Are you ready to make your health a top priority? Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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