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Summer has always been an enigma to me. With a northern European heritage, I know exactly what to eat during the colder months and how to dress. Stews and sweaters are the answers to all things cold. This post (which is the first of a three part series) explores how to beat the heat naturally with the right teas.

Mung Bean tea: This delicious bean is a Chinese herb, famous for cooling you down on a hot summer day and getting rid of any heavy bloated sensations. It’s also a little sweet.

Recipe: Add 1 tspn of mung beans (in a tea ball) to 2 cups of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Remove mung beans. Enjoy with honey if you have a sweet tooth.

Watermelon tea: Oh, yes. This is not a typo. Watermelon (or xi gua) is a Chinese herb that gets rid of heat in your body, and cools and calms you. Added bonus: it quenches your thirst.

Recipe: Add two rinds from a red or yellow watermelon wedges to 3 cups of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Remove watermelon rinds. Add mint leaf to garnish.

Celery tea: Celery is so good for you, even in your tea! It cools your temperature down but also calms anxiety and helps relax you. I often recommend it to patients who insomnia.

Recipe: Add 2 stalks (cut into 3 inch pieces) to 3 cups of boiling water. Cover for 15 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Remove celery. Eat celery with it to really cool and calm you.

Choose one tea or try all three. Drink these teas hot, warm or at room temperature for best results. Enjoy and bottoms up! Stay tuned for the next post in this series.

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