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Spice up your dishes with Anti-Inflammatory Chinese Herbs (you already have in your pantry!)

It’s natural to switch to heartier, starchier meals as temperatures drop. But that doesn’t mean you have to throw your anti inflammatory diet out the window! One way to pump up your meals and make them healthier is with using spices which are Chinese herbs.

No doubt you’re familiar with most if not all of them but here we’re looking at them from a different perspective as Chinese herbs. Odds are you probably have some (or all) of these in your pantry!

-Cinnamon (gui zhi)
-Nutmeg (rou dou kou)
-Cloves (ding xiang)
-Turmeric (yu jin)
-Ginger (sheng jiang)

Taste and try combinations of these herbs to maximize ultimate anti inflammation. Here are a few ideas for add ons:
*Cinnamon and nutmeg - coffee, black tea
*Turmeric - rice dishes, chicken, beef
*Ginger - water, stir fry, chicken, fish, beef
*Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves - cookies, pancakes, waffles, quick breads, cakes, muffins
*Cinnamon and ginger - hot tea

We recommend adding these spices to 1-2 dishes or beverages each day to see a difference.

How do you like to use these spices/herbs? Leave a comment below. We’d love to add to this list.

Interested in kicking it up a notch and try Chinese herbs? Let’s talk. Drop us a line here.

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